


Be Creative.
Think of a brilliant new concept that either solves a problem, fulfills a need, or is just plain ol’fun.

Be Thorough.
Think about materials for construction, overall design and durability.

Be Original.
Think about whether you’ve seen a similar product on the market.

Be Business Minded.
Think about PROFIT, PROFIT AND MORE PROFIT! Can your product be manufactured at 25% (or less) of its future retail price?

patent is a document granting exclusive rights to an inventor. An invention which is legally protected by a patent allows exclusive rights to the inventor to sell, manufacture, and produce the invention. Patents ensure a level of protection for your invention. You are the inventor, so no other person should have the right to profit from your ideas. A patent prevents invention theft because of the stringent patent laws which are in place to protect you. Most manufacturers will not even negotiate with an inventor unless the idea is patented.

Read more about patents here.

trademark is a form of intellectual property protection which grants exclusive rights to its owner. A trademark is how your customers distinguish your company, services, or products from others. Legally protecting your mark with a trademark allows you exclusive rights to display the trademark. Trademarks ensure a level of protection for your ideas. A trademark protects your profitability by distinguishing you from your competitors.

Read more about trademarks here.

Do you need to frame up your newly assigned patent? Purchase a plaque from